Message from President

PCT-6 :
The Annual Place and Time with Good Memories

Suwabun Chirachanchai, Ph.D.
Professor, President of Polymer Society Thailand
PCT-6 Chairman

The Polymer Society of Thailand (PST) was founded in 1999 by Thai academic and industrial polymer scientists. The society plays its important role as the center for the community so that the research, development and innovation including the recreation activities can be done through the network. In order to achieve the goals, the PST realizes the importance of annual meeting by organizing the Polymer Conference of Thailand (PCT) annually since 2010 as a stage to strengthen the network where the advancement of polymer can be cultivated through the presentations, discussions, idea exchanging, and collaborations among the members either from academia or industrial sector. The PST also considered the PCT as the stage to recognize the young polymer scientists in the country and announce its 'Thai Polymer Society Rising Star Award' since PCT-3. In PCT-5, the scope was extended to an international conference where the Plenaries, Keynotes, and students were invited from abroad so that the international networks and collaborations as well as the raising of the meeting quality can be expected.

In fact, the uniqueness of PCT is that it is the only conference for Polymer People in the country and this has proven by this PCT-6 with an impressive number of participants (over 300) including more than 60 oral presentations and more than 90 poster presentations. The PCT-6 receives its honor to have 3 Plenary speakers from Universities; Prof. Prof. Atsushi Takahara (Kyushu University), Prof. Jean-François Pilard (Université du Maine, Le Mans), and Prof. Pramuan Tangboriboonrat (Mahidol University), and 2 Plenaries from the Industries; Dr. Teeradetch Tungsubutra (PTT Research & Technology Institute) and Dr. Butra Boonliang (SCG Research & Development Center). The PCT-6 is also pleased to have 11 Keynotes from abroad; Prof. Toshikazu Takata (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Prof. Paul D. Lickiss (Imperial College, UK), Prof. Matthias Driess (Technische Universitaet Berlin), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois K. Schlarb (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany), Prof. Doo Sung Lee (SKKU University, Korea), Prof. Xiao Matthew Hu (Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore), Prof. Dr. Sahrim Hj. Ahmad (Polymer Research Center (PORCE), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia), Dr. Li Xu (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hiroharu Ajiro (Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loo Say Chye Joachim (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel Crespy (Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology, Thailand (Max Planck Polymer Research Institute, Mainz, Germany (former)), and 7 Keynotes from Thailand; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Voravee P. Hoven (Department of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nisanart Traiphol (Department of Material Science, Chulalongkorn University), Asst. Prof. Dr. Kannika Sahakaro (Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, Prince of Songkla University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanyalak Chaisuwan, (The Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University), Dr. Katanchalee Mai-ngam (Biomedical Engineering Research Unit, National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)), Dr. Varol Intasanta (Functional Nanotextile Laboratory, Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), NSTDA), and Dr. Prakaipetch Kitiyanan (BASF).

On behalf of the Thai Polymer Society, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all speakers, participants, and the committee members and staff to make PCT-6 becomes real The gratitude is extended to the sponsors, which are the SCG Chemicals, PTT Global Chemicals, IRPC, Bruker BioSpin AG, TCEB, and BASF (Thai) Ltd., as well as the 11 booth exhibitors.

Last but not least, I would like to deliver my appreciation to all participants who make the PCT be the annual place and time for Polymer People in the Country.



73/1 NSTDA Building (Room 417), Ministry of Science and Technology, Rama 6 Road, Rajdhevee, Bangkok 10400 Thailand
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