Abstract Submission
- The deadline for abstract/ full paper submission May 8, 2015
(abstact PCT-5 or full paper PCT-5)
- Notification of review result May 22, 2015
- The deadline for revised abstract/full paper submission May 29, 2015
- Notification of Acceptance June 3, 2015
Orals and Poster Presentation Guideline
Oral presentation:
Plenary speaker |
talk 35 min, Q&A 5 min |
Keynote speaker |
talk 25 min, Q&A 5 min |
Rising star |
talk 25 min, Q&A 5 min |
Industrial speaker |
talk 25 min, Q&A 5 min |
General speaker |
talk 15 min, Q&A 5 min |
Preferred file format: Microsoft PowerPoint
Presentation date: June 18-19, 2015
Poster presentation:
Poster guideline: The poster title, author(s)'s name(s) and affiliation(s) should be placed at the top of the poster. The recommended printed size for title is 2.5 - 2 cm. in height. All illustrations, charts and pictures should be visible from a distance of 1.5 m.
Poster size: 80 cm width 100 cm height.
Poster area: M Floor
Presentation date: June 19, 2015
Presenter registration: Registration is required for all presenters. Presenters are encouraged to register on http:/www.thaipolymersociety.org/pct-5/pct-5-index.html no later than May 8, 2015
Language: English
Supporting Grant for Graduate Student Presenter
The 5th International Polymer Conference of Thailand (PCT-5) has its own goal to establishthe network of people in the field. We recognize the important role of young generation, especially the graduate students, in the society, therefore, we want to promote the student participation by awarding 60 grants to the students who present their original work in PCT-5.
Qualifications of Applicants
Applicant must be a member of the Polymer Society of Thailand.
Applicant must be a undergraduate/ graduate student in the program related to polymer science/ technology/ engineering from the universities.
Applicant must be the presenter.
Details of Supports
The grant covers:
50% of Registration fee (1,600 Baht)
Banquet Invitation
Additional Supports for Students from Other Provinces
Accommodation for 3 nights (check-in June 17th and check out June 20th, 2015), at CU I-House (Chulalongkorn International House). The applicants are limited for only the students from universities located in other provinces. (The universities in vicinity area or the provinces nearby Bangkok, i.e. Nakorn Pathom, or Patum Thani area, are excluded)
Application Procedure
Download the Application Form (word or pdf) and submit to the PCT-5 secretariat at [email protected] by May 8, 2015.
The consideration and decision by the PCT-5 committee is final.
Date of Award Announcement
May 22, 2015